Saturday, December 1, 2007

a kick in the nuts and another santa.

last night i shot ryan's father-in-law's company christmas party. i was totally out of my element and learned quickly that event photography isn't my bag. in the end i came out with some alright pictures but getting there was tough. at one point i shot a half assed moment of some guys standing around talking. the next frame there all looking right at me giving me wolf tickets. i pulled the camera down from my face at which point one of the guys called me over and told me that he was going to break my camera. his buddy took the opportunity to chime in and tell me he'd kick me in the nuts. they were both smiling, but you could tell that was their way of being polite, but they really meant what they were saying. i tried to laugh it off and joke back, but i took my que to leave when the guy told me his wife would be pissed about cleaning my nuts off of his shoes. i won't publish the photo to maintain confidentiality and to save future generations of the marshall family. here are a couple photos from the party last night and a visit from santa to the local indian reservation.

on an ending note. i hope to one day know the feeling the man in that last photo seems to have.

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