Friday, January 18, 2008

a sip won't hurt.

i've heard that line a lot when it comes to parents giving their kids alcohol. our paper is doing a multiple story project on drug and alcohol addiction amongst teenagers, but of course it's midland and nobody wants to publicly admit their problems. so it was my job to shoot an illustration that depicted the idea. this was the outcome. i never shoot illustrations, but i didn't think it turned out too bad for shooting it in a dinning room.


Britney McIntosh said...

i really dig this, love the symmetry and how neither face is shown, makes it more universal. and its also very nicely lit, and i would have never figured out it was in a dining room.. haha. nice job. id definitly hang this on my wall.


Lou said...

Nice picture, Brett. I hope the story gets the impact it should... the picture will at least do it's part in drawing attention to it!

Brad said...

I dig.

Dana Rieber said...

I like this shot, Boomer : )