Thursday, May 22, 2008


i believe this is the third year i've photographed meridian high's graduation and each year the graduates uphold a tradition of standing atop the school's sign in front of the building for a group picture. there's always some sort of rockstar light kicking over the building. i started out shooting from behind these guys and could hear a few asking each other, "why is he taking pictures of our butts?" at which point a couple lifted their gowns, sticking their good side further out so i could get a better shot. thanks guys. the other photo is what happens when you take a young child to a crowded gymnasium and expect them to sit still for two hours. you end up walking the halls.


Alexander Stawinski said...

Those are some jammertechnorials if I've ever seen any.

Brad said...

I really dig the way the guy walking the hall isn't completely separated. The little girl is the only one rimmed out in awesome light. Good eye.