so a while back my good buddy tyler, our intern, encouraged me to go out and shoot some film. it's something i've wanted to do for a long while, but honestly i was afraid to. i was afraid i had become reliant on the back of my camera. as a trial run i loaded a role of regular old 24 exposure fuji 400 and took a walk around midland at night. the goal to shoot whatever caught my eye. the first three images are a few of the selects from about 15 frames i shot. the last image was taken the other day while i was at the laundry mat. two girls in their 20's rolled into the parking lot in a 58' chevy biscayne. it caught my interest because of their age. it's usually a guy in his 50s or 60s driving a car like that. then it got better. one of them hoped out opening the hood as the other slid into the passenger seat. the girl outside of the car proceeded to climb into the engine and take off the air filter to get at the carburetor. needless to say i left the laundry and headed out the door, but on my way out i remembered my camera battery was back at the house on the charger. shit. i did however have the film. i went over and offered, not help because they seemed to have it covered, but some tools. they declined and the three of us tried to figure out what the problem was. we couldn't figure it out so i gave them a ride to their grandmother's house where one of them had a truck. i went back to my laundry. about ten minutes later a large truck rolls into the parking lot and the girls hop out. one grabs a strap from the back of the truck and proceeds to hook the car to the truck to tow it. before they left i noticed them walking towards the laundry mat. they came in and gave me cheesecake for helping them out. i love the variety you can get on a roll of film due to the delay of processing. this was the first time i'd shot film since college. i shot film all the way through college for a reason and i had gotten away from that reason. i working on finding my way back
where are the cheesecake photos?
Your pictures are amazing I feel like I'm right there. You totally should be up for the pulitzer prize.
Love ya, hopefully see ya at Christmas!
Your Cous,
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